Saturday, February 26, 2011
My saturday with a new friend (loves)
Dear cyber diary .
Wanted to go to wavehouse today but cancelled cause too lazy and me ,dayah , miera , aidil went to town instead for our usual routines . Well , the flea was great but didnt buy anything though , dont have any money with me .Well , had a great day and ,ade new fiends . Yana is her name and she is a awesome girl . Well , pictures are at her camera and i think she is asleep and not using her com now . HAHA . tired cute girl . Ummm , so ya , i miss crush so much . Well , he dosen't have the same feeling i feel for him but its okay . NOT BEING ABLE TO BE WITH HIM IS NOT THE END . Well , there are many fishes in the sea right ? Well , going to scape again tomorrow cause there's a gig ?? :) Can't wait . Well , gonna survey for clothes too though , Tiring weekend pls? SIGHS . Well ,gonna update pictures tomorrow once yana upload it okay . xoxo .
With love ,
Syaheraah .
Friday, February 25, 2011
My friday
Dear cyber diary ,
School was okay and maths paper was kinda hard. Well , i studied and i tried my best . So , i did not need to pay any attention at POA lesson cause i dropped duh .HAHA . I slept even . Oh my . Well , recess talked to riyanita about her cousin , hahaha , so funny . Ummm , so last period was chemistry and hell yeah . i paid my full attention and ms. lin told me i got B4 for my exam! I PASSED! . So that made my day . After school stayed in class with bbygee wani firdanie and uma and my closest boys . Played soccer and yes ,the ball hit my head and nah, it dosent hurt but its kinda funny though . Well , then me and uma went to meet iqa and shazee in the canteen . So ya, had a fun time gossiping . Ummm , went home and did nothing except for my lappy lor , im so bored so im updating bloggy now . Well , going to wavehouse with bestfriend dayah , for what photoshoot thingy??? Kinda not sure though . Well , that's all , update soon :) .
with love ,
Syaheraah .
School was okay and maths paper was kinda hard. Well , i studied and i tried my best . So , i did not need to pay any attention at POA lesson cause i dropped duh .HAHA . I slept even . Oh my . Well , recess talked to riyanita about her cousin , hahaha , so funny . Ummm , so last period was chemistry and hell yeah . i paid my full attention and ms. lin told me i got B4 for my exam! I PASSED! . So that made my day . After school stayed in class with bbygee wani firdanie and uma and my closest boys . Played soccer and yes ,the ball hit my head and nah, it dosent hurt but its kinda funny though . Well , then me and uma went to meet iqa and shazee in the canteen . So ya, had a fun time gossiping . Ummm , went home and did nothing except for my lappy lor , im so bored so im updating bloggy now . Well , going to wavehouse with bestfriend dayah , for what photoshoot thingy??? Kinda not sure though . Well , that's all , update soon :) .
with love ,
Syaheraah .
Thursday, February 24, 2011
My sleepless nights studying .
Dear cyber diary,
So , it is a exam week this week . Started off on wednesday . Well , english paper was easy and i think i almost cried while i was writing my composition . I write about a title called home , about how me and my mum bonded and she passed away out of a sudden.I know , im so emotional . But , never did i fail writing a sad ending in compo's cause i never believed in a good ending .So yeah , studied social studies a day before and did not sleep. Well good for me the social studies paper was damn easy and i think i can manage a pass ? or A1 ? hehes. So , next was malay paper and combined science . I did not sleep the night before studying science . Well , i was very dissapointed with my physics paper , did not study well for it :( . But im sure i can pass my chemistry as i studied really hard for it ! . Well , stayed back in school till 9pm just now to revise maths . Yes , my algebra is BAD . Luckily my friends from level 4 and 5 helped me . love them please .So yes , i saw someone wearing yellow. HAHAHAHA , kay i should shut now . Well ,today is gonna be the fourth day im not gonna sleep , yes , im collecting eyebags , only for common test la , or exams? Well , gonna revise maths soon , And my crush damn cute please ,duh , im cuter . HEHE . oh ya , Yan's abg sedare likes me awwwwwwww shoooooo cute please :). Well , goodbye loves .
With love,
Syaheraah .
Sunday, February 20, 2011
My saturday and sunday ♥
Dear cyber diary ,
My saturday was quite a fun tiring one . Well , basically went head to town . Had usual routines to the flea but the flea was like , kinda pathetic .Cause only few flea sellers were there . I was with Dayah , shazee and aidil . Had a fun day with them laughing and crapping well not to mention looking at some cute boys . Nah , we just love looking . So , how about my sunday you say ? It was boring i tell ya . I woke up at 1pm which is to me kinda late cause i always wake up at 9am . This can't be happening . Well , i changed my blogskin , link and all as i find it too dusty i need to do something about it since a laptop is in my hands now . LOL . Tomorrow is monday, well , im not sure what lessons im having but , im sure its gonna be okay since its a monday . I hope so. Common test is starting soon and oh my god , disaster , im thing im gonna fail my social studies if i don't study . Well , gonna continue facebook and twitter as usual guys . If you want me to link you up or anything please tag me okay ? Gonna update soon ,
with love ,
Syaheraah .
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