Yesterday i stayed home like a good girl would.But daddy got me sad and blue.He asks me to go to lot one with my annoying little sister. But, daddy gave me many fulus, si i just went ahead to lot with my sister.I went to the arced, had a few boring games with sis, went shopping fr my make up kit all. And bought some school stuff too.Dummy wanted to meet up but i was not free. Sorry jia wei. in case youre wondering, he is my ex boyfriend.met up with bestfriend at teck whye mac, not only him, there were the rest too and awww!!! there i saw all my peeps who took photo with me 3 days ago except fr fariq though.So, went home aftr that whole day shopping fr stupid stuffs and a little bit of slacking.I brought a story book!! "ABANDONED" i was captured by the book the moment i saw it. omg, cant wait to finish reading it.I texted with JW, iqa bby and also saha when i reached home. well, ive nothing to do with my prepaid anyway...just text people would be ok right??So, hd a movie marathon with m kokor aftr tht..watched jgn pandang blakang congkak,bohsia,17 again...
ini ayil, bantal rawr!!! always het hugs frm him!!! funny guy!!

awwww, thats my lipas, i love calling him that, lipas lipas!!!!

this is fariq, he's crazy!! haahaa. naah, joking!

sam and me! my bestestfriend ever !! <3

Well, i gtg now, i'll update soon to ya guys okay??
have a splendid holidays loves!!!!
perhaps all i could do is to keep quiet... ;(
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