I know! he looks diif right? i cant believe it either! omgad! what is that im wearing?? fashion police!! haahaa, lasty, me and bestfriend was like so out of trend. now? coollll babes! well peeps, im just posting a random update about my bestfriend and me since i have no photos of the slumber party which someone deleted! mizzaaaaa! haahaa, well, take a look !
Sam and rawr faces : take note of our faces during sec 1 and sec 3 .
tag me, who changes the most! me or sam?
i uploaded the photos, starting sec 1 . haahaa. enjoy!

This was in the middle year of sec 2. we were having our it lesson. as usual, we are just so bored that we had to take out our phones yknow. haahaa. so funny! we were all still sec 2 yet...hahaa

Raya last year! luckily atill have this photo! haahaa. memorable! he told me he like macam malu gytu nk take picture! haahaa. kekek. can know he shy btw he pose kann? haahaa, sam oh sam....
New year! haahaa. i had a dance performance at gombak and he and the others came all the way to see our dance! they liked it for some shaky reasons! haahaa. you guys are so sweet!

Bestfriend wanted to meet up cause he was sad. at pondok ehh this pic? ohh ya! he just broke up with his ex girlfriend! talked about it to let it go and guess what?? tk pasal2 we end up jalan2 pat pasar malam with izad and farah if i remember! haahaa.
At east coast! 2g reunion! ahaaa, daddy drove me , him and fyr there by car. haahaa, i had so much fun.i was pushed in the water cause it was my birhtday few days later.i got sabo in advanced la kann people??. miss 2g so very much mates. so muchh. especially when i get to seat with sam and fadhil in class. so fun! ^.^

Oh my oh my. apex day. ARRRRRGGGHHHHHH! Kenangan terindah ever . me and ex boyfriend! aiya, diam ahhh. sedih sia ! haahaa. Cannot forget what happened at my house after apex day! totally. syafiqa was there! hahaa, funny! yet, unforgettable :( daah, what the heck. he was the one who wanted to take a picture this time, "rawr, ambek gmbr." haahaa.
I just met my boyfriend (ex boyfriend) outside his class when i bumped into him at the boys toilet! haahaa, and i said, "sam, ambek gmbrrr!!!" haahaa.
He was walking pass my class when i grabbed him and thank god apit offer to take picture,haaha. rawr rawr, tuu pon boleh remember la kau ni..... :)

I hated to have to wear that thing on my head at that time. And yaaaaar! i remember this clearly. Before meeting sam and ayit and teckwhye macdonald, syafiqa had her oje at yewtee mac. i had a bigg tiff with ex boyfriend. a very bad one. so bad tht everything changes and he wanted a break up a few days later? sad ahhhhhh, ??? so? its already over! haahaa, just flash backs babes. and sam was doing his art assignment that time. i remember he drew triblas! haahaa. cute!
During fasting month. Every single day would slack at canel after we break fast. With other lovely and noisy peeps too! hahaa, fun, funny. ^^

This was during raya. As you can see, he is not wearing his traditional costume la kann?? haahaa, i went to his house with peers obviously.Haahaaa, load of pictures actually. i put up some randomly though. Haaa, and see our stupid faces there? thats our trademark faces! Had fun time at his house and i love his mother maggie mee goreng! urgh! omgad, im craving for it! haahaa
The latest photo of me and bestie. Okay, this was taken at school canteen. Well, havin our breaks after our first half of the paper. what paper was it?? i forgot. haahaa. dumb me.Well, thats all i have to post, i really had nothing to post about. Hope this dosent bored you to death aye mates?? ILY mates so muchyyyy aye.
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