Arent we sweet? hey, thats my bestest friend ever, SAM. I just wanna say i appreciate so much when i needed you and you were there for me. The time me and him broke up, you wanted to fight with him cause he made me cry everyday,you were there when i had a conflict going on between my friends.the day when i went to see amirul one last time at the hospital. Whatever it is, you were there for me. You always lent a shoulder for me to cry on.You have problems this days in love and life. I assure you that im going to be there for you too if you need someone to talk to okay?
im sure your grandfather is going to be fine and just pray hard for him. I LOVE YOU BESTFRIEND. well, im not myself today, as usual, i keep on missing him. i told myself, "come on, its been already 4months and i still cant get over you" i really feel like going fr a brain surgery [joking!] . Well, sometimes the questions why? how? are just not meant to be answered. DESTINY, knows it all. If im fated to be with that someone again, well, good fr me. if not, life just have to move on. Its been 4 months and i have no idea if he still knows i waiting. Gawsh, i kept myself strong hearing all those things about him. i got hurt for sure. but, thats life, it has its ups and downs right?
well peers, i gtg now.
ps, im stil not over you...
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