Hello , im sorry for the lack of updates . Well , i will only update if someone ask me to , that "someone" . So today stayed home and went out with mum for a short while . Well , i have been goingout at 12am in the morning and going home at 6am , this is sucha bad routine . I must cut down on that . really . So , to someone that is reading this , he was sorry for neglecting me . Well , obviously i was happy that i got his text . DUH . Im wondering why some people won't let me contact him , some people say this that , i also like what the heck sia -.- . IGNORE RAWR IGNORE , from last year you like him then now people wanna complain , pain in the ass . This makes me frustrated , really . Well , whatever . Tomorrow gonna go nanai's house, grandma , duh. Will be heading to karaoke with cousins next . well , i gtg , update soon , when he asks me too . :P . XOXO.
Have you ever fell in love with someone that you never really talked too , has a 2 year age diffrence , and is totally diffrent from you? i have , trust me , its not working out that well . :/
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