Yes people im back. heh. Im currently at iqa's crib. We're watching a movie later on. Drag me to hell. Can't wait to watch it. The tiring part is, we're going to watch it at marina siaa. Bodoh punyer free ticket, pat marina jer lepas dehh.I skipped work today. I went to school early in the morning. heheh. i kinda miss school, alot. I did not went home fr a day. Having family problems dehh. Im fighting with my MUM. i dont wish to call her mum at all. I hate her.She scolded me with alot of harsh words that a daughter will be hurt if she hears it. Im totally dissapointed with her and her freaking attitude.Maybe im meeting izzat at yewtee mac tomorrow. To do our pet rocket project. I guess it will only be the two of us as awang and alang da tk tau mane hilang. heeheeh. I rebond my hair 3 days ago. i still think it sucks. i wana cut it short soon ^^ . heheh. Confirm ugly but rimas dehh. so, life has been great for me. but not so. Still have somethings which are not settled yet.hmmph, why must me and him react that way? Did what i did hurt him really badly? Do i cling too much with guys? I dont know. i just wish everything would start all over again, and i wud take the correct path. hmph.So people, thats all loves. I'll be back. To aan, pls be back frm malacca fast? i have no one to talk to on the phone at night la ass? imy gilerr!!! ^^ .
But i miss you more ____ .
ps, im always thinking of you.
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