Hey peeps . am currently at home. yeah, im not working today. at last, i can stay at home and rest.
heh. So, whole day ive been watching tv and joking around with my small sister, yes, its syarafanna that annoying brat. i love her. haahaah. ok, thats stupid. So this few days ive been not feeling that good. well, i miss someone, i miss him. so much. i hope you had fun at camp aye? i miss you .
so, tomorrow im still not working. manager gave me 2 days off for i dont know whatever reason it is. im bored here. my sister keeps reading aloud what im wriring in my blog. irritating la kau nie giler! heeheeh. to "boyfie" sorry cant reply your text messages . my p8 is currently lw, so damn low you cant imagine how low it is. haahaa, ok lame me. i have no idea what time im sleeping today cause i woke up at 6pm! gawsh! that is late! promised erin i'd pick her up from work tomorrow aye giler? haahaa. and stop asking me about fiq okay? aiyerrrr~~!! i miss iqa so much too, biler nk pandang muker comel kau lagy yer qa? haahaahaa. as a matter of fact, i kinda miss school. not the part where we have to study. the part where there are fights,gossips,slacking and joking around in class is what i miss doing. especialy with laughing partners the boys!! haahaa. also, with iqa and erin. so people, i hope you had fun this holiday. my holiday this year is ful of tears. i wish i could turn back time . (sad face). thats all peeps. tckr, i love you all.
if there's one day,
we were to be back together,
i would change myself
to be a better person for you..
just for you, i'll take any risks,
thats only IF we were to be together again..
i knew it would not happened...
ps, i miss you...
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