Daddy and me went to eat sakura at jurong yesterday. Reached there at seven and done eating at 9. i was full at ard 8pm but daddy insisted that we stayed late and eat what we can since its a buffet. I ate alot of japanese RAW food. it was really, idk what to say. So, a guy working there as a waiter asked how old i am, i said 15, he was totally shocked as he thought i was 18 0r 19. giggles, he said he would asked fr my number if i was 18 0r 19. And fyi, he said that infront of my dad. My dad was like no, i dont want any malay guys for her. Alamak, fed up betol, later ppl think my dad is a racist sia! hahaa. Daddy gave me money to rebond my fringe yesterday. i was suppose to go perm today, but, lazyyyy. Maybe next time. giggles, again.Today is the last day of fasting, wow, iso fast.I went to break fast at sinaran with daddy again. Okay, ive been spending alot of quality time with my dad this few days and the good thing is, i get whatever i asked for. For example, i only joked about asking him, ''papa, i want go perm my hair ahhh..'' he said , which shop?? how mucchh?? and gave me 100 bucks. like wth.i wanted to change phone and he said, later i buy for you. like omg, i dont want to become a spoilt child . so, i gave daddy his 100bucks back and told him not to buy a new phone first. I'll ask him once i really need it. haahaa.Tomorrow is hari raya!!
To dearest gfs , guys and islam peeps ;
Selamat hari raya!!! Sorrry if i have hurted you guys in any way
or said harsh words to you...i hope you guys forgive me, and for whatever you did to me, i'll forgive you peeps. Thank you.
So, enjoy your day tomorrow peeps!!!! Have a nice and wonderful day after!!
i cant wait to go out with waduhsans/brother A/boyfriend and girlfriends/people i just got to know ^^.
Could it be that i am really ______ you?
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