[In picture above : Syaheraah Tan and Suriadi Tan ^^]
Today was superb fun . Met up with cousins all, and and, the best thing is i met my hawt cuzzie!
Gawsh, and the photo i took with him is in his camera lahh..so sad. haahaa, thats okay anyway. So, first went to jurong to meet up with grandma from daddy's side. Okay,, bibik makes the most delicious chocoate chips ever, i swear i wanted to bring some home but cannot dehh. okay, anis and zira have DS5000!!! omg, took alot of pictures with those 2 beautiful cousins of mine!! They keep saying i lokkd really diff and kept on photo taking me. haahaa, giggles. Anis is looking more like angmoh i swear, and dont forget send gambar okay girls?? Cousin kak ati was there and i missed her alot!! Youre so great, 27 yet still studying in NUS. I though by that age ppl da kahwin daaa... haahaa, so, after that, we went to see my grandparents on my mom side. Okay i swear it was boring cause cousin Syazwani was no where to be found. Ass him. Just sat sat there, talked, played with the little guys and went to hospital to visit syaizstar bby...He was asleep when i reached there but the moment he woke up he wanted me to carry him..awwww~ so cute...Daddy keeps calling me geisha i dont why. he says i look like a japanese waitress. duhhhh, as if dad. And daddy, you owe me 10 bucks, MANCHASTER WON I TOLD YA! haaaahaaa. A deal is a deal okay? you promised. So peeps, thats all fr today. i'll update real soon. gotta do homework dehh.
you were the only one i seek....
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