Hey peeps! am back. Okay, ive just cut my fringe bangs recently. look at me! haahaa. i cut it by myself though. heh. i came home frm work at abt 3.30 today. So many issues sia. gawsh, im glad everything is over.Work was tiring but fun!~ heh. I woke up at 3 today. i had high fever and wanted to skip work. but then, no one was to replace me doing closing. i dragged my tired sick body to work. The moment i reached there, my manager alvin tooked my tempreature. it was slightly okay but he said my face look really sick. i was like, "eh fucker you ask me to come then now you like want me to go home kanina" that was what i said in my heart . haahaa. I just said i was well to work.I miss girlfriend ; twaddley. And sockz, remember we have a phototaking session date huh? Cant wait fr the slumber party bbys! yea, now abt love life, okay, im still confused . Syiirah, i tagged you alrdy who i loved but then, something in my heart tells me, he is happy with whoever he is with now. im happy to see him happy but then it hurts of course. But ive never seen him happy with me so maybe this could be the right girl for him. im happy to see you smiling when youre texting maybe with her. i dont know. but im happy that youve foung happiness.im glad that you have found somebody that understands you.no matter what remember to always look on the brigt sight of any problems you face in a relationship.and talk things out, i dont want you and her to be like us kaye friend? im glad were alrdy getting over things. we've started to joke ard again and talk. im just happy lerr friend. heh, so enough abt that. abd the crush i had at my workplace, hahah, no more lerr. friends are better leiy.well now, am single, am waiting fr my heart to be open up again by mr.right. fr now, i have only one mr.right which is close but yet far. am waiting but...idk, perhaps time wud change everything aye? heeheeh. i cant go to sleep i swear. so yea loves, you tckr and smile always aye? i'll update again, soon soon.
ps, bby i'll wait .
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