Amirul, i miss you.. your jokes and all, i miss you making me smile...
i know you can hear us..when i held you hands and talked to you, tears rolled down your face.. i know you can hear me..qhairiq is really miserable too... Whatever happens , we just need you to wake there for you, your friends are there fr you...faiz is there fr you too...i love you mirul, everyone else does, wake up soon please? i just want you to call my name again... i cry everyime looking at the empty seat in class, i have no mood fr studies,,,i just miss you too musch mirul, may allah bless you and yo get better soon...we just need you back,,its not the same without you...
ps, hear us, be strong...
(on vehalf of waduhsans and amirul's best peeps..) :(
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Come on, wth bby?

Look on the left side on your screen. See someone who tagged me there? "did you still love eddy?" My answer, _______im trying hard__________, duhhh. Whoever tagged me and wanna know my answer, its within my heart.You guess yourself.So, boo, today was a bad day fr me.Only iqa knows my story. Im sad, hurt. But what happen has to happen right? Perhaps something in life just nedds some changes.Well, flames to dust, and even lovers to friends.
all good things comes to an end.
Indeed its s bad year fr me. Starting from April it was was just after 9 May everythig just changes okay? i changed, he changed, he left me. okay, im gonna skip that part. well, May was the month which i hated the most, 3 quarter of the month i kept crying every night i think. well, a bad break up . It started to get better and better though. [the part where im getting over him] Then suddenly comes this stupid rumour! fed up syaheraah you know! i ignored ignored. Then started to skipped school, why? to avoid looking at someone who hurts me alot. I though that was the solution, to avoid. Then, i realised it was not worth it. I came back to school and changed to the old me. The sec 1 me. Happy, and no matter what , i kept everything on the inside then blurted things out and end up i got nothing. My loved ones encouraged me. I love you all. Everything changes now, fr the better, in school, but nothing was ever better,
At home....
you said you tried but you never? you only do stupid foolish things, dad and mum loves you.
you hurted them. what are you? are you even someone i know? mum cried, you just went on babbling bad words to her.She gave birth to you, which mother does not even love her own daughter?dad just wanted you to change okay? the moment when mum was lying crying, i cried looking at her. she worries.i had enough in my life and nw youre adding problem to us...the moment you did what you did, gawsh, i was shocked...
was it even you?? come on girl, wake up,
change, cause your family loves you.....
Friday, September 25, 2009
love sachet

I don't know what came to me or my mind at that moment, i swear. Its like i was suddenly so evil and so stupid.I guess all i wanted is for you to feel how i feel. You knw, HURT. Im confused by myself not even knowing want i want, or even who i liked or loved? Its like my feelings fr each of you boys are the same. I am sorry for those high hopes i have given. I loved this someone too much that its been too long im trying to lie to myself. I wanted to be drowned with laughters,boys,bbygees or anything that could make me forget about you. But, obviously, i failed. I know who you love now and i really much do understand why you must love her. I hurt ppl alot, especially in relationships. I got someone that loves me so so much but i lost him. why? I hurt him too deep easy to say. I dont know what i want now. God, help me. too confused to even care, too tired to think, and too weak to choose. All i wanna do is wait,wait,wait until a miracles happens or something.If only there was a time machine, bring me back, correcting my mistakes. But eventually it dosent exist. too bad fr me. suddenly i miss you.....
Are my ____ fr you worth it??
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Were you or are you?

[In picture above : Syaheraah Tan and Suriadi Tan ^^]
Today was superb fun . Met up with cousins all, and and, the best thing is i met my hawt cuzzie!
Gawsh, and the photo i took with him is in his camera sad. haahaa, thats okay anyway. So, first went to jurong to meet up with grandma from daddy's side. Okay,, bibik makes the most delicious chocoate chips ever, i swear i wanted to bring some home but cannot dehh. okay, anis and zira have DS5000!!! omg, took alot of pictures with those 2 beautiful cousins of mine!! They keep saying i lokkd really diff and kept on photo taking me. haahaa, giggles. Anis is looking more like angmoh i swear, and dont forget send gambar okay girls?? Cousin kak ati was there and i missed her alot!! Youre so great, 27 yet still studying in NUS. I though by that age ppl da kahwin daaa... haahaa, so, after that, we went to see my grandparents on my mom side. Okay i swear it was boring cause cousin Syazwani was no where to be found. Ass him. Just sat sat there, talked, played with the little guys and went to hospital to visit syaizstar bby...He was asleep when i reached there but the moment he woke up he wanted me to carry him..awwww~ so cute...Daddy keeps calling me geisha i dont why. he says i look like a japanese waitress. duhhhh, as if dad. And daddy, you owe me 10 bucks, MANCHASTER WON I TOLD YA! haaaahaaa. A deal is a deal okay? you promised. So peeps, thats all fr today. i'll update real soon. gotta do homework dehh.
you were the only one i seek....
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Could it be?

Daddy and me went to eat sakura at jurong yesterday. Reached there at seven and done eating at 9. i was full at ard 8pm but daddy insisted that we stayed late and eat what we can since its a buffet. I ate alot of japanese RAW food. it was really, idk what to say. So, a guy working there as a waiter asked how old i am, i said 15, he was totally shocked as he thought i was 18 0r 19. giggles, he said he would asked fr my number if i was 18 0r 19. And fyi, he said that infront of my dad. My dad was like no, i dont want any malay guys for her. Alamak, fed up betol, later ppl think my dad is a racist sia! hahaa. Daddy gave me money to rebond my fringe yesterday. i was suppose to go perm today, but, lazyyyy. Maybe next time. giggles, again.Today is the last day of fasting, wow, iso fast.I went to break fast at sinaran with daddy again. Okay, ive been spending alot of quality time with my dad this few days and the good thing is, i get whatever i asked for. For example, i only joked about asking him, ''papa, i want go perm my hair ahhh..'' he said , which shop?? how mucchh?? and gave me 100 bucks. like wth.i wanted to change phone and he said, later i buy for you. like omg, i dont want to become a spoilt child . so, i gave daddy his 100bucks back and told him not to buy a new phone first. I'll ask him once i really need it. haahaa.Tomorrow is hari raya!!
To dearest gfs , guys and islam peeps ;
Selamat hari raya!!! Sorrry if i have hurted you guys in any way
or said harsh words to you...i hope you guys forgive me, and for whatever you did to me, i'll forgive you peeps. Thank you.
So, enjoy your day tomorrow peeps!!!! Have a nice and wonderful day after!!
i cant wait to go out with waduhsans/brother A/boyfriend and girlfriends/people i just got to know ^^.
Could it be that i am really ______ you?
Friday, September 11, 2009
I dreamnt a stupid dream ; again .

Im in my daddy's room now. Well, daddy wont let me use lappy infront of jiejie lor.So, i wanted to slack today but no one texted me, not even besfriend. :( well, i just stayed at home and played with Saizstar!! He is back yeahh!! I missed him so much!! awwwww~ . Well, i went to work yesterday, i missed them too. Qais perangai dohhhh!! Nk bobal bohsia samer akuu ehh??? haahaa. Typical mat rep luu!! So, guess what? My family havent got ready a single thing for hari raya!! haahaa, well, no one comes to our house actually only we go to the places wer'e suppose to.But, trust me ladies and guys, im gonna have a open house, i 'll update to you guys the date aye loves?? Well, i had a stupid dream this afternoon when i was napping..the dream made me really happy, but as i woke up and realised that it was just a dream, i was sad...Well, some things from the past are just never gonna happened...Im gonna cut my fringe tomorrow..well da rimas dohhh...gawshhh...So, i havent went to gelang with peeps yet..But i am so gonna go!!! well loves, thats all i have to post, i'll update real soon aye??
i wish i was looking in your eyes...
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
What did the dream meant?

Today i break fast at someone's house. its a "he". His parents told me to come over so i went. Had pizza. yummy!! haaaahaa. hawaii and pepperoni if im right. So, after breaking fast, he told me to go into his room and we sat down, and ha a talk. By talk, the talk was a serious talk.He asks me why was i still keeping pictures of, my first chinese boyfriend. why? Well, me myself dont know, if i dissapoint you , well im sorry.probably im just a little too not over him.Thanks fr dinner and i had fun with your parents. And also you. i guess its a date we had just now?? you were holding my hand..haahaa, but you'll always be a friend. probably my 2nd best cause i have a first best already.i had a wonderful evening...Well loves, thats all i have to update, see ya soon.
i swear i miss you ;
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Yesterday i stayed home like a good girl would.But daddy got me sad and blue.He asks me to go to lot one with my annoying little sister. But, daddy gave me many fulus, si i just went ahead to lot with my sister.I went to the arced, had a few boring games with sis, went shopping fr my make up kit all. And bought some school stuff too.Dummy wanted to meet up but i was not free. Sorry jia wei. in case youre wondering, he is my ex boyfriend.met up with bestfriend at teck whye mac, not only him, there were the rest too and awww!!! there i saw all my peeps who took photo with me 3 days ago except fr fariq though.So, went home aftr that whole day shopping fr stupid stuffs and a little bit of slacking.I brought a story book!! "ABANDONED" i was captured by the book the moment i saw it. omg, cant wait to finish reading it.I texted with JW, iqa bby and also saha when i reached home. well, ive nothing to do with my prepaid anyway...just text people would be ok right??So, hd a movie marathon with m kokor aftr tht..watched jgn pandang blakang congkak,bohsia,17 again...
ini ayil, bantal rawr!!! always het hugs frm him!!! funny guy!!

awwww, thats my lipas, i love calling him that, lipas lipas!!!!
this is fariq, he's crazy!! haahaa. naah, joking!
sam and me! my bestestfriend ever !! <3
Well, i gtg now, i'll update soon to ya guys okay??
have a splendid holidays loves!!!!
perhaps all i could do is to keep quiet... ;(
ini ayil, bantal rawr!!! always het hugs frm him!!! funny guy!!

awwww, thats my lipas, i love calling him that, lipas lipas!!!!

have a splendid holidays loves!!!!
perhaps all i could do is to keep quiet... ;(
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